Frequently Asked Questions
Wonderful project. ¿How can I donate?
Please directly contact us.
¿How can I use it in my hospital/company?
Our team has built and amazing web monitoring platform where you can monitor emergencies from your clients/employees on real time. If interested please contact us.
¿How can this app save lives?
The time between someone suffers an accident and it´s notified to an emergency service is fundamental to save lives. Several papers claim that 1 in 10 deads could have been saved if an automatic notification system like SOSmart were implemented. This way SOSmart in matter of seconds will notify you about an accident allowing you to quickly call emergencies highly increasing chances of survival of your beloved ones.
¿How does it detect car accidents?
During a severe car crash every single thing inside the car are subject to high changes of speed suffering massive accelerations that could reach up to 200 times the gravity. Nowadays Smartphones count with a sensors that can measure accelerations, the accelerometer. This is the same sensor that is used to rotate your screen. Using this sensor output and our professional detection algorithm we can dettect if the user has been in a car accident.
¿Will it trigger a false Alarm if I drop my phone or brake hard?
No. When you drop your phone it will suffer accelerations around 2 to 3 times the gravity, same when braking hard. When you have a car accident your smartphone will suffer accelerations of hundreds of times the gravity. Even if you drop it from a high building our algorithm cross check with the gps data to avois false alarms.
¿Does it work without signal?
SOSmart will detect the car accidents but we can´t send or receive data without signal. Therefore nobody will be notified.
¿Do my emergency contacts need SOSmart installed?
Android users: It´s not mandatory but highly recommended. If they don´t have it installed they will still receive an SMS with the location of the accident but SMS don´t really generate a loud alarm. On the other hand if they do have SOSmart our program will generate a loud alarm.
Iphone: Yes they MUST. Otherwise they won´t receive any notification.
Iphone: Yes they MUST. Otherwise they won´t receive any notification.
¿Are you directly connected to any emergency service?
We are working really hard to convince emergency services around the world that our app is a must have for them. If you are from any company willing to directly use our online monitoring system please contact us.
¿Does it work without GPS signal?
No. GPS signal is fundamental for our car crash detection algorithm. Please don´t deactivate it.
¿Is there any battery saving mode?
Not yet. We are working on it and expect to have it alive in last days of August.